We think ahead We Thank You for Helping Us Achieve This Milestone!

Material Testing

We think ahead

A leader in the Construction Material Testing

Certified Testing Laboratories has been testing Materials such as Concrete, asphalt, wood, soil, and steel since 1999. We have provided services beyond just lab testing. We have consulted on many medium to large scale construction projects. We work with Governmental organization, private contractors, and many global investors to help ensure that materials used in their investments are strong enough to ensure a return on investment.

Standard Inspection

Standard Geo Testing

Installation Monitoring

Services by Material

We think ahead






Building FoundationAgriculture


Parking Lot

Caves Village

One Cable Beach

Lyford Cay School

We Test

For Quality, Strength, & Stress

Residential | Commercial | Governmental | Consultation

We strive to ensure that every project (no matter the size) has the right people, resources, and tools to perform our services to the highest standard for our clients. We are known for providing quality service on a variety of projects, from large roadway construction, parking lots, and multi-story buildings to single-family residential communities. A willingness to serve our clients with on-demand, part-time, and full-time staffing demonstrates our approach in meeting the specific needs of our clients.