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Laboratory Soils Testing

Grain Size Analysis (Dry Sieve), ASTM C 136/AASHTO T 27
Grain Size Analysis (Wet Sieve), ASTM C 117, C 136/AASHTO T 11, T 27
Hydrometer Analysis, ASTM D 422/AASHTO T 88
Atterberg Limits, ASTM D 4318/AASHTO T 89, T 90
Laboratory M-D Test (Standard Proctor), ASTM D 698/AASHTO T 99
Laboratory M-D Test (Modified Proctor), ASTM D 1557/AASHTO T 180
Laboratory CBR Test (3-Point), ASTM D 1883/AASHTO T 193
Laboratory Permeability Test (Falling Head-Cohesive Soil)
Laboratory Permeability Test (Falling Head-Granular Soil)
Laboratory Permeability Test (Triaxial), ASTM D 5084
Laboratory Permeability Test (Constant Head), ASTM D 2434/AASHTO T 215
Direct Shear Test, ASTM D 3080 (3 Points)
Soil/Geosynthetic Interface Shear Test, ASTM D 5321 (3 Points)
Liner/Geosynthetic Interface Shear Test, ASTM D 5321 (3 Points)
Moisture Content Test, ASTM D 2216
pH, ASTM D 4972
Resistivity, ASTM G 51
Bulk Specific Gravity of Soil, ASTM D 854
Organic Content (Ignition), ASTM D 2974
Consolidation Test, ASTM D 2435
Shelby Tube Sample Testing
Soil Description and Identification, ASTM D 2488
Topsoil Evaluation, ASTM D 5268

Aggregate Testing

Sulfate Soundness, ASTM C88/AASHTO T 104
Fractured Faces, ASTM D 5821
L. A. Wear, ASTM C 131/AASHTO T 96
Dry Rodded Unit Weight, ASTM C 29/AASHTO T 19
Friable Particles, ASTM C 142/AASHTO T 112
Organic Impurities, ASTM C 40/AASHTO T 21
Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate, ASTM C 127/AASHTO T 84
Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregate, ASTM C 128/AASHTO T 85
Material Finer Than a #200 Sieve, ASTM C 117/AASHTO T 11
Washington Degradation
Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates, ASTM C 1260
Lightweight Particles in Aggregate, ASTM C 123
Sand Equivalent, ASTM D 2419/AASHTO T 176
Flat & Elongated Particles, ASTM D 4791
Uncompacted Void Content, ASTM C 1252/AASHTO T 304 (without Specific Gravity)
Uncompacted Void Content, ASTM C 1252/AASHTO T 304 (with Specific Gravity)
Micro Deval Testing, ASTM D 6928/AASHTO T 327

Block and Masonry Testing

Absorption & Moisture Content (Set of 3), ASTM C 140
Linear Shrinkage (Set of 3), ASTM C 426
Fire Rating (Set of 3), ASTM E 119
Efflorescence (Per Set), ASTM C 67
Compression Testing (Masonry Prism), ASTM C 1314
Compression Testing (Concrete Masonry Unit, Set of 3) ASTM C 140
Compression Testing (Mortar Cube), ASTM C 109
Compression Testing (Brick), ASTM C 67
Compression Testing (Brick Prism) ASTM C 1314
Compression Testing (Grout Prism), ASTM C 1019
Absorption of Brick (Set of 5), ASTM C 67
Initial Absorption of Brick (Set of 5), ASTM C 67

Concrete Testing

Cylinder Compression Testing, ASTM C 39/AASHTO T 22
Drilled Core Compression Testing, ASTM C 42/AASHTO T 24
Flexure Test Concrete Beam, ASTM C 78/AASHTO T 97
Absorption Test of Drilled Cores, ASTM C 497/AASHTO T 280
Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration, ASTM C 1202
Absorption in Concrete Pipe (Set), ASTM C 497
Surface Resistivity Using a Wenner Probe, AASHTO TP 95

Hot Mix Asphalt Testing

Extraction (Chemical), AASHTO T 164
Extraction (Ignition), ASTM D 6307/AASHTO T 308
HMA Core Bulk Specific Gravity, AASHTO T 166
Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity, AASHTO T 209

Rock Testing

Rock Core Compression Strength, ASTM D 7012-10

  • Method C – Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Intact Rock Cores
  • Method D – Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression

Testing Equipment

Air Velocity Meter
Automatic Level
Blast Monitoring Seismograph
CBR Field Test Equipment
Concrete Mixer
Concrete Moisture Meter, ASTM F 2170
Core Drilling Equipment (Concrete/Asphalt)
Disposable Bailer
Dredge Sampler
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
GPS Unit (Handheld)
GPS Unit (Submeter)
Grundfos Pump
Guelph Permeameter
Hand Vane
Impact Echo Equipment
MIE Miniram
Mortar Penetration Resistance Apparatus, ASTM C 403/AASHTO T 197
Nuclear Densometer, ASTM D 6938
Oil/Water Interface Probe
Oxygen/Combustible Gases Meter
Peristaltic Pump
Photoionization Detector
Portable Depth Finder
Portable Turbidimeter
Power Auger
Pull-Off Adhesion Tester
Pull-Off Fastener Tester
Radiation Alert Monitor
Rebar/Magnetic Locator
Reinforcing Steel Mapping Equipment
Relative Humidity Probes, ASTM F 2170
Resistivity Test Equipment
Saximeter (Pile Driving Monitor)
Sediment Sampler
Slope Inclinometer Equipment
Soil Sampling Equipment
Solinst Levelogger
Thermal Conductivity Testing Unit
Thin Lift Gauge
Tile Probe
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter
Van Dorn Sampler
Vapor Emission Test Kit, ASTM F 1869
Vibratory Wire Pressure Indicator
Video Camera
Water Quality Meter
Wenner Probe
Windsor Probe